Posted 10 years ago by test test

Spend Less and Give More With POS Technology3 min read

One of the best parts about using the newest POS technology is that it allows you to conduct marketing campaigns that cost you absolutely nothing. So, while your initial upfront investment of a POS system is certainly an investment, it’s one that you would have had to make anyway, unless you prefer to process your business sale by using an abacus or by counting on your fingers and using a Tupperware container for safekeeping your money. Maybe your business is a startup and you don’t envision yourself having a lot of requirements beyond processing payments. The fact is that in our present and future society, there are going to be an increasingly number of business operational functions that POS technology will be taking over in the days to come. Anyone whose thinking is so limited as to imagine no need for other capabilities is going to have a whale of a time staying competitive and even staying afloat when everyone else out there is POS operated.

Purchases Needed: Hardware and Software

All of the amazing ways in which you will save money with POS technology outshadow the relatively small investment a system requires. This is some of the best news, when it comes to expensing out the feasibility of investing in a POS system for your business. The benefits of POS system accounting make it easy and instant to see when the day’s (or shift’s) totals do not align with the amount in the till. While this is not an issue when a business has no employees, it is of great money saving value when you must rely on others to handle your profits. Without going into how fragile trust can be when money is involved, just know that by explaining to your employees how your POS system tracks every sale, discount, exchange and return in addition to how it keeps up with inventory your employees will be alleviated of the temptation to perform any untoward actions on their shift. There are also software options that manage inventory in a way as to prevent you from double ordering or buying merchandise that is not popular with customers. You will clearly know when and if you should reorder. With software that generates and hardware that prints, you can use barcode technology that will unequivocally carry the set price of any item, along with its sale or discounted status, if any exists. All of this represents substantial savings for your business.

Promotions, Rewards and Incentives

Another function of great benefit are all the ways in which you can use your POS system to become familiar with your customers’ shopping preferences as well as get a better understanding of current trends. You can do much to increase your own branding with one or a few unique items that can be directly attributed to your store by generating popup ads in just the right places. POS technology allows you to maintain the special relationship you have with your customers by using social media to broadcast the more generalized campaigns, while at the same time, you can send personal direct messages to your more loyal patrons as a way of extending fully customized rewards tailored to each one.