Posted 12 years ago by test test

STOP Overpaying for Point-of-Sale – Open’s iPad POS is Cheaper by More Than 70%!3 min read

STOP Overpaying for Point-of-Sale – Open’s iPad POS is Cheaper by More Than 70%! In order to compare how an iPad POS system is cheaper than a traditional POS system, we first must do the math on what a traditional POS system actually will cost you. A question that is commonly asked is: “How much will my POS (point of sale) system cost me?” That’s an excellent and very important question to ponder – no matter if you are in the retail industry, the hotel industry or the food service business; business models that all rely upon a POS system to conduct and to process transactions, send credit card batches to the bank, run and crunch numbers, create reports on sales, profits, losses and inventory tracking and management, as well other things, like managing and tracking returns and so on.

The answer is not something that most people want to hear. According to a leading maker of POS systems and POS software, the software license cost will range from $1,200 – $2,500, and that’s just for a single use license; if you have more than one location using POS, keep adding that license price tag per location. If you need POS terminals, well you had better open up your wallet, and rather wide at that, because according to leading makers of the systems, they will tap into your account to the tune of between $3,000 – $4,000 per workstation or terminal. So add up the numbers, less the extended warranty – which is estimated to run about $200 per workstation – and you have pretty hefty end number; something that most smaller businesses and restaurants simply cannot afford. Enter in the financial and technological digital savior of the present day: iPad POS systems – which are more than 70% cheaper than any traditional POS system, and 110% more useful, reliable and effective.

What Makes iPad POS Systems Better?

There are numerous caveats that comprise why an iPad POS system easily defeats any traditional point-of-sale-system, and by a long shot at that. For starters, you won’t require any bulky and costly terminals that take up space, require nearly constant maintenance, and that suck power and energy, and are environmentally unfriendly. Secondly, using a simple iPad tablet – which will run about $200 as opposed to as much as $4,000 – you can run and manage your entire iPad POS system, and securely at that. The software is not very costly, either.

Why Open for iPad POS?

At Open, we are pioneering an iPad POS revolution — and offer signature iPad POS software solutions at monthly rates with unlimited-use licenses that even include digital menu software—so that customers can use iPad menus to place orders and view pictures of menu items, and even read detailed descriptions and tender payment at the table. In summation: our iPad POS system takes up less space, it uses far less power, it requires minimal maintenance, the tablets are very affordable, they can double as digital menus, the software is secure and offers all of the same reporting features and functions of any POS software, but for a fraction of the price, and it’s modern, convenient and affordable. What’s not to like?

  • One button sales reports
  • Smart inventory alerts
  • Remote, cloud-based access
  • Synch with your digital menus
  • Easy to setup and use
  • Includes as many sales points as you desire
  • Streamlines operation of your restaurant
  • No costly setup fees
  • No hidden fees
  • No contracts
  • Lowest monthly rates in the industry
  • Compatible with QuickBooks and other accounting software
  • 90 day money back/buyback guarantee!

Learn more about Open’s All-in-One iPad POS Solution that Includes iPad POS and Digital Menu Software as well as a desirable suite of siganture smartphone apps.