Posted 10 years ago by test test

Tablet v. Cash Register: The Case for POS2 min read

Point of sale systems have exploded onto the scene in the past couple years. What was once considered a cute piece of tech that was more showy than functional, designed for millennials starting a business, has quickly evolved into one of the most used systems in the country and the world. But why is that? What has made this idea become such a phenomenon almost overnight and why are so many people still grabbing onto it, even today? Well the answer, as with all technology is simplicity. A point of sale system is designed to simplify your everyday transactions and make your business function more efficiently, but there are still a great many people who still use cash registers. Why is that? This article will list just a few things POS systems have over the traditional register system even in their early stages.

  • Faster Payment: You are able to swipe a card through a tablet while your POS manages the finances and figures, making purchases lightning fast for both you and your customers. The old register methods of punching in the numbers, making change and holding up the line, fall by the wayside as the digital age makes them obsolete.
  • Synchronization: Cash registers are good for storing money, not so much for keeping track of money. A point of sale system manages everything from finances to inventory all synchronized on your devices for easy access to whatever it is you need at that moment.
  • Space: Let’s face it, cash registers take up a great deal of unnecessary space. Investing a point of sale system means that your transactions would transfer to your tablet, meaning that you are free to redesign your business to incorporate all the new space you have now that your clunky old register has gone. You can give your store a modern feel and express yourself and showcase your business in ways that weren’t possible before now.

Overall it becomes amazingly clear just how much more beneficial a POS system is for businesses than a traditional register system. Especially if you are just getting started you want your business to function at its peak and be easy to run for you. So a point of sale system will provide you with all the tools you need to make that happen, allowing you and your business to make a splash in the digital age.