Posted 13 years ago by test test

Tapping into the Millennial Market with a Smartphone App for Digital Menus2 min read

The numbers for smartphone users for the year 2011 have finally been generated, and let us assure you folks that they are truly off the charts. If you think that this market is just growing by little trickles, think again. According to a recent report that was published by Garner, there were more than 115 million smartphones that were sold worldwide in 2011, and as of that year end, smartphone users comprised approximately 26% of the entire nationwide cellular phone market. Factoring in how many existing smartphone users there already were, that’s literally hundreds of millions of prospective customers that you could be reaching by featuring a reservation app as a free smartphone app download in the app marketplace.

The US numbers look rather boisterous, too. In 2012, Garner is predicting that in the US alone, there will be more than 95 million smartphone sales (up from 67 million a year prior). Worldwide, the predictions are more than 472 million smartphone users by end of year 2012. Considering that more companies are offering an order food apps to appeal to this healthy and expanding demographic, it seems like there has never been a better time to get on the trendsetter technology bandwagon than there is now.

A report by Neilson purported that as of October, 2011, that about 43% of the entire US cellular phone market had at least one smartphone. Imagine how many people that is who are using these phones to place orders online, book reservations and even buy tickets to events and so forth? Imagine if you had an iPad menu that you could be featuring for smartphone users to view and browse when they searched for your restaurant?

Lastly, about 420 million smartphones were sold in 2011, according to IMS Research. A survey conducted by Pew Internet Project revealed that about 36% of all adults own a smartphone. And according to Garner, smartphones represented about 16% of all phones sold over the past two years to date (297 million out of more than a 1.6 billion).

As you can see, smartphones are indeed the future. They are here and they are right now. Learn more about Open’s unique All-in-One digital solution that includes iPad POS, reservation app, smartphone app and digital menu grouped together for a low monthly price with no contracts.

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