Posted 13 years ago by test test

Technology Prediction: Order Food iPad – The Next Big Trend for Coffee Shops & Cafes2 min read

While more and more restaurants are embracing the order food iPad fad – few cafes and coffee shops have followed suit. Find out why it’s the next big trend.

When you go to most restaurants, generally you won’t be presented with the option to order food iPad. However, slowly but surely more places are adding these awesome electronic menus to the mix so that guests can more easily place an order, pay for their order, add gratuity and even request service, customize order specifications – such as informing the cook to make their steak rare, or to make their eggs over easy, etc. – and even read streaming news headlines and connect to their friends via major social media networks. It’s safe to say that the digital menu trend is taking force, and that’s fantastic news. However, what about being able to order food iPad from your favorite café or coffee shop? We at Open predict that this will be the next wave in the digital menu sequence, and here’s why.

Improved Customer Service with Order Food iPad

One of the most discouraging aspects of visiting any popular coffee shop or café is the lines. Nobody likes waiting in line while the person ahead of them tells the bistro master the ten million specs they want on that half-double-decaffeinated-half-calf-cappuccino with a twist of lime. But if, say, patrons were able to make such wild specifications via order food iPad menus, well needless to say that the lines would be a breeze and your drink orders or sandwich/food orders would be made much quicker.

Cost Effective Way to Streamline Orders

Think about this for a minute: instead of having a few workers who just take orders, what about instead using those same workers to make the orders? Implement a few order food iPad tablets, and now the café or coffee shop can serve many more patrons. Then, customers simply place their order on the tablets and wait for their order number to be called a few minutes later. Sounds ever so deliciously convenient, doesn’t it?

Visually and Technologically Enticing

Lastly, people love technology (so does Kip from Napoleon Dynamite). When presented with an order food iPad option, most people will just be stunned. That’s because technology is convenient, sleek and attractive. It also makes things easier, which is the whole purpose behind it. Our prediction: look for order food iPad options at your favorite café or coffee shop in the very near future.