Posted 10 years ago by test test

The Apple Store Philosophy, POS and the Future2 min read

When it comes to Apple, there is a most hypnotic effect it seems to have on the general public, and not only for its always burgeoning technological advancements producing the most life changing devices, but also they show a real fondness for the Apple stores, too. Evidence of this love has manifested in the large number of people who are willing to wait for lots of hours, just to get their own Apple tee shirt whenever a new store opens.

Location, location

All of Apple’s stores share the same basics, such as layout of sections for different products, however from city to city, what differs in each Apple store is made possible by the location, within the particular city. With the main influence on location, once picked, the design is created with a heart for matching the particular environment and culture and being entirely inviting to locals and more, within that location.

Genuine values

Apple’s success is also due in part to their commitment to sustain an unrivaled degree of attention to each individual customer. Apple stores have effectively mastered the creation of community within their employees, as is evidenced by anyone who has ever had the experience of entering an Apple store. From the Genius Bars to the enthusiasm and and genuine happiness exuded by the employees, Apple has managed to establish themselves as a family of owners, who are in it all together.

The apple acronym as a guide

Apple educates their salespeople about their ultimate responsibility being to help the customers, not sell the products. They encourage their staff to work at trying to determine each customer’s needs, and go from there. Apple explains its basic philosophy by using its name as a handy acronym for its values:

A means “Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome.”
P means “Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs.”
P means “Present a solution for the customer to take home today.”
L means “Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns.”
E means “End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.”

Easy to remember, right? Well, Apple thinks so, and is serious about holding their staff community to that standard. It’s behind everything they do. Another interesting mandate Apple has for its staff is that they are never to correct a customer who may mispronounce the name of one of the Apple products.

Following suit

As in the past, Apple continues to lead the way, and wherever they go, the others will loyally follow. Apple continues to evolve with new fixes for the retail POS data breach crisis. With Apple Pay, Apple has entered the worldwide arena at the perfect time, proposing a more secure solution to any current problems, and in doing so, they will bring in their wake, numerous other markets to the game. Apple may just have redirected the future of POS technology and more issues.