Posted 11 years ago by test test

The iPad Kiosk (Self Service Kiosk) Would be Ideal For? – Where Could You See Them Next?3 min read

The iPad Kiosk is quickly making its presence known in food service businesses nationwide. It’s not a replacement for waiters, and it does not detract from the dining experience. Rather, it’s your convenient menu and your easy ordering device, one that allows you to summons a waiter by pressing a “request waiter” button on the screen to receive faster, more complete service. Digital solutions like this add a previously absent amenity to the dining experience. Today, we examine some popular scenarios where this type of technology is being implemented to take the dining experience for the customer to previously unattainable, new and more interactive levels. Hot Dog Places: Yep, even hot dog places can benefit from offering a self service kiosk with Open’s unique digital menu solution. In fact, we have an ideal example that we’ve recently just covered regarding D-Doghouse in Florida. Diners: America’s diners are a mainstay and a certain cultural culinary staple to our lineage. There are umpteen traditional American dishes that these venues proudly serve on a daily basis. Imagine your lines moving more quickly, happier customers and less waiting time when servers can place their focus on expediting food and servicing guests, instead of wasting time penning orders on outdated paper pads. Airport Restaurants: Many airport restaurants are now offering kiosk ordering for guests who are pressed for time in between flights. This presents a rather unique solution. Now you can simply punch in your order, view the menu items that you want to order, and pay securely with your credit card. Major airports like JFK in New York are already using solutions like this, and the consumer response has been impressive. The Steakhouse: Can you imagine how many combinations there can be for that perfect steak. From the different cuts to the different cooking specs (e.g., medium-rare; well done; blue in the center), to the different toppings (e.g., grill shrimp, smothered in parmesan, grilled mushrooms or onions, etc.). Now your valued guests can create thousands of combinations and see how tantalizing they would be with visual imagery, before they order. Sushi Bars: Sushi bars are an ideal place for an iPad kiosk or tablet-hosted menu. For example, a very popular sushi bar in NYC is already using our digital menus to offer their guests a more refined and interactive, responsive and memorable service at Orange Grill Sushi Bar. The Pizza Parlor: There are nearly endless variations of the pizza pie that one can contrive. Imagine your guests dining and choosing the pizza type, the crust and the toppings they desire from their table with a visual guide like a self service kiosk. The sky is literally the limit, and what pizza place do you think they will remember, the place where they could surf the web while their pie baked, or the place where they sat and waited for half an hour after ordering from a laminate menu?

Learn more about iPad Kiosks by Open, and find out just how affordable this unique solution is.