Posted 12 years ago by test test

The iPad Reservation System – How it Can Make Filling Tables Effortless2 min read

The Android/iPad Reservation System – How it Can Make Filling Tables Effortless An automated reservation system can be a dream come through when it comes to the logistics involved with the successful operation of any food service enterprise. Imagine the convenience you could be offering to existing as well as prospective patrons if they were able to book reservations from their home computer, tablet or smartphone in real-time. What if the reservations even offered detailed directions, featured menu items and prices, and helped attract more customers to your gourmet offerings? What if your staff was far less bogged down by taking telephonic reservations, and when guests arrived, they were easily shown to their table, which was already booked and logged in the system? With an iPad reservation system in place by Open… that’s exactly how convenient things can be.

Reservations Can Funnel in From Your Website, Mobile Website & Social Media

  • The reservation app automates your reservation system and requires no programming on your part.
  • It empowers you to offer online reservations from your website, mobile site and social media outlets.
  • Guests can easily book a reservation, view your menu and be supplied navigation to your establishment.
  • Reservations are logged in the system and automated, and set to inform staff members.

Handy Reservation App Attracts Smartphone Users

Smartphone users comprise a burgeoning and rapidly growing demographic in the US, numbered at more than 60-million persons. With a reservation app in place, now you can tap into this uncanny marketplace. Smartphone users can reserve tables in seconds using your reservation app that you offer for free on the app marketplaces.

System is Automated to Fill Tables & Alert Staff Members

Your all-in-one digital menu solution is designed to track and manage reservations. Reservations auto-populate as they stream in from guest inquiry and are placed. All reservations are tracked according to open tables in the system. The system won’t allow overbooking, and manages when your reservations are scheduled, so you don’t have to.