Posted 10 years ago by test test

The Most Frequent Mistakes POS Users Make2 min read

With every new piece of technology, there are a million new ways it can be applied to help make life easier for all of us. But there are also a million new ways we can use it incorrectly and hurt not just ourselves but our business in the process. The iPad Point of Sale System is no exception. This step by step guide will help to illustrate the various mistakes that are made by POS users and what steps you can take to prevent yourself from making the same ones. Ensure that you and your business utilize this technology to the best of your ability.

  • Keeping their cash register around: With the POS system at your finger tips you are able to completely transform your business into a cashless, easy to operate and easier to navigate showroom that will stick out in your town as a place that everyone should go and visit. Without a pesky register to hog all the space you’ll be able to organize your store in the way you want, creating something utterly unique and unforgettable.
  • Not showing the specials: At restaurants that use POS the server is generally going to have an iPad in their hand more times than not, using for payment and to take down people’s orders. So why not go a step further, use the ipad’s tools to construct an elegant slideshow to show, not just tell, your customers about the daily specials. This kind of visual demonstration has been shown to boost both sales and tips in restaurants around the country, because people are simply more interesting in things they can see. If you say, “Oh we’ve got a lovely vegetable soup,” they might be interested but more so in the picture of the delicious steak on their menu. But if you show them an image of the special prepared in all its glory that is how you’ll get a customers attention.
  • Not Using It: The biggest mistake all POS users make is not using the product. It is far too easy for people to slip into their old ways of doing things, even when they have this modern convenient, new way of doing things right at their finger tips. So it is important to always remember the most efficient way to do business is with your ipad Point of Sale System.