Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Power of Facebook for Guests Recommending Via an iPad Menu2 min read

The Power of Facebook for Guests Recommending You Via an iPad Menu It’s no mystery: Facebook is a juggernaut. Mark Zuckerberg is easily the go-to guy when it comes to building winning social network behemoths – and raking in billions of cash in the process. There are some rather astounding statistics that we shall reveal in today’s post regarding Facebook’s gigantism.

Why are we talking about Facebook today? Because included with your iPad menu by Open is a desirable Facebook “recommend” feature that will empower your guests to share their experience with their friends (it’s the most powerful form of viral marketing ever derived, and it’s free for you to enjoy when you offer an iPad menu). This leads us back to the point at hand: Why is Facebook such an effective, critical marketing tool for restaurants? The following statistics can help to better illustrate this hypothesis.

  1. One out of every 13 people in the planet has a Facebook account.
  2. 35+ year-old demographic comprises more than 30% of all users.
  3. More than 70% of all internet users in the US are on Facebook.
  4. 48% of younger Americans find news on Facebook.
  5. 48% of 18-35 year-olds check their accounts first thing in the morning.
  6. More than 50% of all active users log onto Facebook at least once per day.
  7. The average user has 130 friends – that’s 130 people that are told about your restaurant, on average, when a patron recommends your place on Facebook from an iPad menu.
  8. Average user is connected to more than 80 pages, groups or events – where they could also be sharing your information.
  9. There are more than 250,000,000 users that log onto Facebook via their smartphones.
  10. The US has the most active Facebook users in the world, totaling more than 24% of all active users.

As you can see, Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Find out how you could be offering iPad menus with a Facebook recommend feature and growing your restaurant via free and viral word-of-mouth advertising for a very reasonable monthly rate. Learn more about an iPad menu by Open.