Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Self Order iPad Kiosk Could Be Your Cost Effective Digital Menu Answer2 min read

Self Order iPad KioskThere are some key features and amenities that a self order iPad kiosk with iPad POS can offer to your valued guests. From using them to display your menu out front and attract passing foot traffic, to featuring the kiosks at every table and at your bar. A world of wonderfulness opens up when you have the power of technology on your side to attract more patrons and generate more profits.


People are attracted to technology. It’s everywhere. From smartphones and tablet computers to computer systems with GPS in cars, technology is the mainstay of the digital era. When you offer your guests a trendsetting technological medium, they will remember your restaurant over the place down the street.


It is more convenient for a guest to use an iPad kiosk. Here are a few key reasons why:

  • No waiting to order food or drinks.
  • Pings server whenever they request table service.
  • Pictures and detailed descriptions make menu browsing illustrated and high-tech.
  • Payment at table (with iPad POS) makes it easier for guests to pay their bill and add a gratuity.
  • Wine and beer pairing options up-sells guests on high value menu items.
  • Side-scrolling specials drive home your best-selling menu items.
  • Imbedded Facebook/Twitter sharing features empower guests to spread the word.


A self service iPad kiosk is a visual connection between your restaurant, your menu, your brand and your staff to your patrons. It is visual, simple and fun to use for patrons. It does not detract from the customer experience; it enhances the customer experience. Guests can now browse a vivid, visual and entirely digital ordering device and request table service at their convenience.

Learn More

Learn more about all of the features and functions of the iPad kiosk by Open. Find out what features and functionality are offered with our Self Order iPad Kiosks.