Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Tablet Revolution Churns Nicely in Favor of the Digital Menu2 min read

The Tablet Revolution Churns Nicely in Favor of the Digital MenuForever and a day we have been saying that it is a “Digital Menu Revolution.” In lieu of the tablet revolution, that statement isn’t really all that farfetched. To better illustrate this point of view, we decided to take a look at some statistics that were generated that paint the real picture of tablet appeal to consumers nationwide. A late October 2011 article that was published by entitled, “The Tablet Revolution,” is telling of the true numbers of consumers getting on board the digital menu revolution.

According to the article, roughly a year and a half following the highly lauded release of the iPad tablet, 11% of all US consumers possessed a tablet computer of “some kind”. Around 54% relied upon their tablet computer to read the news and headlines daily. And 77% of them used their tablet computer daily, according to numbers that the article cited from Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism in association with The Economist Group.

Here are some other interesting stats regarding the tablet revolution:

  • Average person spent around 90 minutes on their tablet daily
  • 54% emailed daily using their tablets
  • 39% used tablets for social media, networking and interaction
  • 30% used tablets for gaming
  • 17% used tablets for reading books
  • 13% used tablets to watch movies or videos

Interestingly enough, a staggering 71% of those surveyed preferred to use their tablets for reading and listening. Out of the users that were surveyed, a whopping 81% of them owned an Apple product (iPad). The study was based upon seven surveys that were conducted in 2011 with various survey groups to reach the final statistics.

In summation: the tablet revolution offers a keen glimpse into how the digital menu revolution could work in favor of any restaurant that decides to upgrade their menus from static paper to beautifully illuminated and designed tablet menus (digital menus).

Learn more about how you could be offering your guests a Digital Menu by Open affordably today.