Posted 12 years ago by test test

Three Things to Consider About iPad POS Providers2 min read

In the market for iPad POS system and unsure of what you need to be looking for exactly? Certainly, one has a plethora of choices with regard to software, service providers and, most importantly, features. Another factor that is an obvious integer is pricing. But let’s not overlook ease of use, your initial investment versus your anticipated return on investment, or financing options that can make implementation far more financially feasible. Today, Open poises three things to consider when making your choice between iPad POS providers.

Competitive Pricing; Low Initial Investment

Make sure that you take a look around before you sign on the dotted line with any iPad POS provider. Some require thousands of dollars upfront for the systems and software, whereas others may have lower initial investment requirements. Ensure that you are getting a quality guarantee on your system piggybacked with a solid warranty. At Open, for example, we guarantee that your iPad POS system will be profitable within the first 90 days or we buy back the equipment from you and refund your software fees and any other associated costs of service.

Financing Options on Hardware

Does your iPad POS provider offer financing options on equipment? Seeing as iPad tablets do not come cheap, and also seeing as you may require 20-30 to truly offer digital menus at your restaurant, the initial costs can add up in a hurry. However, with realistic financing options, you can afford to realistically implement iPad menus with iPad POS without going for broke in the process of doing so.

Easy to Use & Implement Software

How easy-to-use and implement is the software? Is it truly visual? How much training time do you think it will take for you and your staff to fully grasp the features and functionality of the software? Furthermore, how much training time will need to be spent on future staff members and trainees? In short: the software should offer a sophisticated array of features and amenities with a visual aspect that makes it really simple to learn to use and nearly effortless to implement.

Learn More

Open, Inc. is a premier provider of iPad POS software solutions. With our All-in-One solution, you get a state-of-the-art digital menu software interface that links from the iPad menu directly to the iPad POS system, and that’s just loaded with tons of desirable features. You could be streamlining your business operations while offering digital menus and attracting consumers, and for a lot less money and initial investment than you might think. If your profits don’t increase, we buy it back from you and refund any service fees. Learn more about iPad POS by Open.