Posted 12 years ago by test test

Top 11 Reasons Why You & Your Customers Will Love Your New iPad Menus2 min read

Top 11 Reasons You & Your Customers Will Love Your New iPad MenusCould you take your restaurant to whole new heights, ones that have been previously unprecedented? Over here at Open, we sure think so. The culinary revolution has begun. It’s now some new gourmet trick. It’s not a competition on a show like “Iron Chef.” Rather, it’s micronized technology being put into to motion to help food services businesses enjoy greater successes. It’s the harnessing of the power of the thin, smart devices and state-of-the-art software that when married create the most streamlined, easy-to-use – and at the same time – sophisticated means of enhancing the customer experience. The digital 21st century answer is iPad menus. Of course, it’s always helpful to know about why such menus can serve to truly up the bar of your offerings. What follows are 11 reasons why.

Top 11 Reasons Consumers Will Love Your New iPad Menus

  1. The menus replace your outdated, boring and static paper menus.
  2. Vivid pictures and tantalizing descriptions make customers hungry for your signature entrees.
  3. Easy to setup, install, use and update; create your own menus using a simple online process that involves entering text, assigning prices and uploading pictures.
  4. Rotate or change between multiple menus throughout the day at the push of a button.
  5. Feature every bottle of wine in your cellar on a digital wine list.
  6. Using iPad menus, customers can summons a server to their table by pressing the “Request Waiter” button.
  7. Add our integrated, all-in-one iPad POS solution to your menu package and offer secure payment at the table.
  8. Recent studies show that when customers can see pictures of menu items, they order more food. But these are not tacky menus like you would see at some local diner; they are as classy as a menu gets.
  9. More affordable than paper menus. Most restaurants have to pay to have their menus designed and reprinted several times per year. With iPad menus, a one-time investment in the hardware and a reasonable monthly fee reduce your menu production costs vastly over the course of a year.
  10. According to numerous recent news reports regarding restaurants that have implemented iPad menus of all sizes, the average restaurant experiences an increase in sales of around 10-30% within the first year.
  11. New dining experience: Customers love technology. Imagine when they have it in the palm of their hands. Imagine how many friends they will tell about your new digital menu offerings. Imagine how this will serve to retain them and spur customer loyalty. The sky is the limit when you take the power of digital technology and use top revolutionize your restaurant.

WATCH: Open’s iPad Menus in Action.


Learn More About Open’s iPad Menus.