Posted 12 years ago by test test

Top Eight Reasons Why Your Customers Want a Hotel App in their Rooms3 min read

Hotel App | iPad POSTo offer readers a more personable or first-person dissertation on the impact of the hotel app in the eye of the customer, let’s take on the persona of a traveling customer who would use such apps while in transit and lodging at your hotel.

Let’s pretend that we are a traveling businessman named Dan…

Dan travels a lot. He stays at hotels all of the time to facilitate his lodging needs. He generally won’t stay in any hotel that has fewer than four stars due to his distinct personal tastes. It could be safe to say that Dan is much like your other savvy and successful businesspersons of the present day. He is fabulous at what he does, and that requires travel. He expects to be treated with a certain array of personal amenities when traveling, as do other customers. Dan also happens to adore using his new iPhone and has an iPad tablet that is literally his connection to the outside world, friends, family, business partners, clients and colleagues while he is constantly in transit. Dan is the ideal person who greatly benefits from – and will be enthralled by – a hotel app in your hotel.

When Dan happens to stay at a hotel with such a nifty app in place … here are the top eight reasons why that app will keep Dan coming back to this hotel as often as possible whenever he is traveling. And the same reasons will also make Dan excited to tell everyone he knows about that hotel and his wonderful experience while staying there.

  1. Dan arrived late and as a result he also checked in late. He was handed an iPad tablet with a hotel app on it upon his arrival. Hungry for dinner in his room, Dan browsed a vivid menu of the room service offerings and ordered a midnight snack.
  2. Dan really didn’t want to charge that scrumptious meal to his room tab, so he whipped out his travel credit card and paid using the tablet which has integrated iPad POS – now he can more easily track his travel expenses.
  3. Later that night, Dan couldn’t sleep. So he ordered a movie from the hotel app and charged it to the card he had on file now.
  4. Dan needed to be up at 7am. So he set the alarm on his iPad tablet so the hotel app would ring him awake come sunrise.
  5. Realizing he would not require housekeeping the next day, Dan set the privacy to “private” using the hotel app.
  6. Dan found himself running late for his meeting that morning, but he sent a quick message for his car to be readied by valet via the hotel app, and he was able to make it there with few delays.
  7. Later that night, Dan was interested in finding a place to hear some smooth jazz tunes and enjoy some cocktails while unwinding from a long a day. The iPad tablet with hotel app showed him all of the desirable nearby locations, their addresses and hours of operation. Dan enjoyed a few drinks and some smooth tunes before heading back to the hotel to get some sleep.
  8. Dan knew he had an early flight to catch the next morning, and he still had to return his rental car. So he checked out in seconds using the hotel app and was on his way the very next day.

Learn more about Open’s unique Hotel App.