Posted 11 years ago by test test

Top 5 Reasons to Beef Up Your Paper Restaurant Menu with an iPad Menu3 min read

There’s something outdated about the restaurant experience these days. The average three or four star – or heck, even five star – restaurant will charge guests an average of $20-$50 per person per meal (in some cases more). So in essence, you are paying your hard earned money to eat your meal out. And as a direct result of that, you expect a fiducially fulfilling experience. From customer service, to wait staff attentiveness—all the way to the quality and presentation of the meal; people want to get what they pay for. So ask yourself this question: why can you read full web pages from your smartphone, check emails, browse pictures and even watch movies, video and so many more functions… but your restaurant menu is still just a piece of boring paper? We’ll tackle the top five reasons to start beefing up that outdated piece of paper (and the overall dining experience you have to offer) with an iPad menu in today’s post.

Increase Customer Service
It’s all about customer service. The more that you can improve upon that service, the more customers you will attract and retain. An iPad menu allows you to ramp up customer service because customers no longer have to wait… and they can place orders as they deem fit, and when they want to, directly from the iPad tablet. Customers browse vivid menus and scroll between pages, ultimately electing the dishes they are hungriest for, and pressing a simple onscreen button to order food and drinks.

Up the “WOW” Factor
What do you think customers will find to be more impressive? An excellent restaurant with a paper menu that strives to enhance the dining experience… or a restaurant that offers a more replete and complete dining experience with an iPad menu? Customers need to be wowed to stay loyal. This metric involves the experience, your restaurant’s overall appeal, service, food and presentation. An iPad menu assures that your presentation and service are always on par and consistently five star.

Represent Your Dishes with Tantalizing Imagery
Studies purport that visual imagery of food sells more items because it makes customers hungrier for the items. So instead of forcing your guests to imagine what a dish might look like, why not make them salivate over high-resolution images of the actual dishes? Pictures of your food will inherently evoke a positive response in customers, and will sell more food as a result.

Convenience for Customers
People are all about convenience these days. They want everything faster, simpler to do and more streamlined than ever before. With an iPad menu, you put that convenience into the palm of their hands; literally. One button places an order; one button requests table service from wait staff; one button pays the bill; and one button orders drinks.

Attract More Patrons
Did you know that the average restaurant that implements an iPad menu sees sales skyrocket within the first 90 days? While the percentage can vary between entities, it’s impressive to say the least. Try anywhere from 10%-33% during the first couple of months. How’s that for attracting new patrons?