Posted 12 years ago by test test

Top Six Reasons More People Are Buying iPads (Why You Want to Offer an iPad Menu)2 min read

Top Six Reasons More People Are Buying iPads (Why You Want to Offer an iPad Menu)The purring engine of technology is much tantamount to that of a Ferrari (pick your favorite make and model)—it’s always humming forwards on the electronic superhighway that comprises the ebb and flow of innovation. More people than ever before are rushing out to purchase iPad tablets and make use of one of the more intuitive devices to ever be designed and mass produced. Heck, even Tesla must be looking down in awe at the fascinating and sophisticated technological capability of these devices.

Before we move forwards in this blog post, let’s back up this statement just tad bit with some factual credence. A few days ago, we ran a blog talking about the popularity of Apple devices, which was based, in part, upon a recent national survey that was conducted by CNBC. So if you are curious as to how popular these devices are then read our blog regarding their unwavering and unprecedented popularity: “Half of All US Households Contain at Least One Apple Product – The Power of the iPad Menu.”

Top Six Reasons More People Are Buying iPads

  1. Flashy, High-Tech & Innovative. It is unquestionable: iPads simply are cool. Heck, you have to drop $499 on the basic 16 GB device, so they had better have a lot to offer. And they most certainly do. Easily the top pick on this list is niftiness, which the iPad delivers quite nicely to consumers with features galore.
  2. All-in-One E-Reader: Forget the FIRE or the KINDLE or other e-readers, the iPad is the most popular of the pack. Since the device can house thousands of books, even on the 16 GB model – and even textbooks, it’s easily the most feature-rich e-reader on the market.
  3. Gaming: More gamers are flocking to the iPad for its signature array of amazing video games. The motion-sensing gyroscope in the device makes gaming more intense. The retina display is a vibrant HD screen that delivers beautiful graphics, and the device is mobile with a long battery life.
  4. Media Sharing & Synchronization: You can run an entire entertainment system using your iPad. Or watch movies, view pictures, listen to music and share with multiple devices, tethered or un-tethered.
  5. Applications: The iPad has more applications – and more free applications – than any other tablet or smart device on the market.
  6. Apple Care: The Apple Care warranty is tough to top. Sure, you pay for it. But you get what you pay for. No other warranty offers such exclusive, unwavering coverage of its products. And Apple customer service is top notch.

With all of these good reasons why consumers are flocking to retail hubs to purchase an iPad tablet, can you imagine how impressed they would be were they to be handed an iPad menu upon being seated at your restaurant? With Open’s signature digital menu software, this is a reality… not a possibility. Learn more about the iPad Menu by Open, Inc.