Posted 13 years ago by test test

Top Ten Questions to Ask About a Digital Menu Display2 min read

It’s a smartphone, smart device, thin tablet world in which we live. Needless to say, technology is wonderful and makes people who embrace it rollick in its greatness. Every day there’s something new being unveiled – and if you have been reading the news, you’d know that the new iPhone is about to come out and shock the world once again with a smorgasbord of new bells and whistles that you can bet tech reviews will be eating up like Halloween candies. Imagine appealing to your customers with a digital menu display that has the same ‘wow’ effect as their favorite tech gadget, only when they are seated at your table to dine. What could this do for your restaurant, your sales and your repeat business? Join us as we explore some of the leading reasons why digital menu displays can do marvels for your eatery by asking some important questions that should be considered.

Top Ten Questions to Ask About a Digital Menu Display

  1. How does technology appeal to your patrons? People love technology, and if you appeal to them by offering them something technologically profound, they’ll love you for it.
  2. Are your menus exciting? Static paper menus are obsolete, boring and dull; a digital menu is profound, interactive and media rich.
  3. Which is easier: hollering or flagging your arms to get your server’s attention or simply pressing a button on the digital menu display to request table service? (You decide.)
  4. Which is easer: waiting to get your bill and having to ask for it… or pressing a button on your digital menu one time?
  5. Which makes you hungrier? Text descriptions of food that make you imagine what it “might” look like… or high resolution pictures that drive home the unique dish and make your mouth water?
  6. Which would you rather be doing when dining? Sharing your experience via social media networks on your iPad menu… or talking to your friends about it later when you log onto Facebook from a different device?
  7. Where would you dine next? The place that offers immaculate service with a digital menu display, or the place next door where you have a boring menu and shoddier service?
  8. Which is more convenient? Pressing one button to pay securely (with iPad POS), or having to send your bill off and wait for it to come back.
  9. Which do you think that you’d enjoy using more: paper or iPad menu?
  10. Which do you think can offer you handy beer and wine pairing options and feature every bottle that’s in the cellar with detailed descriptions… paper or digital menu?

Learn more about a digital menu by Open.