Posted 12 years ago by test test

Tweener Tablet Revolution Begins: iPad Mini, New iPad Set Sales Benchmark with 3-million Units Sold3 min read

Once again, Apple, Inc. has outdone itself. While Steve Jobs detested the notion of what he called the “tweener tablet” – something that has quickly become the euphemism and popular culture superlative for miniature tablet computer devices – you can bet that he’s looking down upon his company and smiling, now that they’ve set a new sales records and benchmarks following its successful launch. During the three days that followed the release of the iPad Mini, Apple says it sold a whopping 3-million units worldwide, which Apple also says includes its fourth generation iPad sales.

While it was not made clear as to how many of those sales accounts for the iPad Mini, CEO Tim Cook was certain to make it apparent that there’s increasing consumer interest in the iPad Mini, and that’s it assuredly going to remain in the Apple lineup of tablets for quite some time.

“Customers around the world love the new iPad mini and fourth generation iPad,” Cook said in a recent statement that was released to the press. “We set a new launch weekend record and practically sold out of iPad minis. We’re working hard to build more quickly to meet the incredible demand.”

During this incredible launch weekend, the fourth generation iPad literally flew off the shelves as lines that were fourfold thick and city blocks long eagerly awaited the opening of doors, so that impatient consumers could get their hands on the fourth generation iPad… and the Mini, of course.

Apple said that they sold more than 1.5-million Wi-Fi only third generation iPads during its launch (when that tablet was released). So the sales tallies for this fourth generation iPad are clearly larger and discernibly more robust. But who knows how many iPad Minis factor into that tally, considering that Apple is trying to build more of them to meet consumer demands. In so many words: Apple stated that they have set a new benchmark for tablet sales in lieu of the resoundingly immense sales numbers from its most recent launch.

Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray noted to clients, in a report that was also published by Market Watch, that the iPad Mini will be a top seller for Apple over the months to come. “We continue to believe that while launch lines and initial weekend sales may not be as impressive as previous iPad launches, the iPad Mini will be a hit product for Apple and become a more significant part of the story over the next 2-3 quarters,” he said

However, Apple faces some stern competition in the months to come, too.

Google has plans to launch a very capable and feature rich $99 mini tablet.

Amazon already is selling its $199 Kindle Fire HD like hotcakes, with sales topping 3-million units already and with more features than the iPad Mini offers.

And let’s not overlook that Samsung and Barnes & Noble also have affordable mini tablets in the works that are forthcoming, too.

Indeed, the tweener tablet wars are truly just getting underway.