Posted 12 years ago by test test

Tweener Tablet Wars: Rumors of Forthcoming $99 Google Tweener Nexus Tablet Confirmed2 min read

Tweener Tablet Wars: Rumors of Forthcoming $99 Google Tweener Nexus Tablet Confirmed Our ongoing coverage of the battle of the technological juggernauts continues with confirmation on rumors lurking regarding Google’s plans to launch a $99 tweener tablet and officially enter the fray of the Tweener Tablet Wars.

Google has confirmed that this is not mere speculation. They will, in fact, be releasing a $99 tweener tablet in the near future, as well as a reduced priced $199 tweener tablet that’s got a lot more oomph behind it.

The search engine behemoth has relied upon Asus for the production of its current Nexus lineup, but will be shifting companies for its tweener tablet to Taiwan-based Quanta Computer, which will make this tweener tablet separated from the Nexus lineup, even if it bears the same trademark.

Single Core Processor

While smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note II feature powerful quad-core processors, the $99 Google tweener tablet won’t be the screaming speed demon that everyone is anticipating. Rather, it will feature a toned down single-core processor instead. So don’t expect blazing speeds and the ability to seamlessly run dozens of apps without lag time or hanging. But then again, the $99 price tag automatically dictates a slower processor. By comparison, the Note II costs about $699 MRSP.

Google Anticipates $99 Tablet Launch in December

The search engine giant has also confirmed that the tablet is in production and should be available sometime in December. One has a good mind to think that they would be shooting for a pre-holiday launch in order to capitalize on the commercialism that’s prevalent during this time of year for new project launches.

While the Google tweener tablet will only cost $99 – and while few other details aside from the sluggish processor, 7” screen size and thrifty price tag are available – it could be set to enter the market as the most affordable tweener tablet yet; but for the compromising of reduced features, amenities and capacity that will deter some users.