Posted 10 years ago by test test

Upgrading Your iPad POS System, the Extras!2 min read

So you have made the great leap forward and invested in a POS system for your businesses. Congratulations you are on your way to streamlining and simplifying all the aspects of your business into a model of tight efficiency that your competitors will envy. If you want to take some steps to go even further with your POS there are few accessories that you may want to consider purchasing sooner rather than later, these products, though simple, will help you get the most out of new system and avoid any unfortunate mistakes or accidents.

  • Invest in a case: If you and your employees are carrying iPads around all day you defiantly want to make sure that they are well protected. Nothing looks worse that a waiter showing his table the specials on the iPad, only to have it slip out of his hands and smash on the floor. That kind of accident-prone technology is bad for business so you should take a few important steps to protect it. Invest in a case for your iPads, a really good one that will protect them from all the different horrible things that could befall them around your place of business, they are the bread and butter of the POS so it is important to keep the safe.
  • A Stand: You want to be able to set your iPad down to show things to customers, on the iPad, so it is a good idea to buy a stand, something that folds out and allows that iPad to stand on its own so if you were, again, showing the specials to a table at your restaurant you would free your hands up while keeping the iPad visible to your customers.
  • A Stylus: You may think that an iPad doesn’t need a stylus and while that is certainly true, the stylus is not a piece of hardware that should be left in the era of palm pilots and blackberry’s. If you are making a lot of credit card transactions with your POS you are going to need a lot of signatures and not a lot of your customers are going to be happy signing things with their finger, so keep a high-quality stylus on hand so that they can make their signature the way they like it, quickly and easily with less hassle and confusion for everyone involved.