Posted 10 years ago by test test

Using an iPad POS for Charity Events2 min read

The right planning is key to success at your charity event. You need to create the right marketing, the right event and the right program to get the maximum exposure and solicit the maximum amount of donations.

One often overlooked part of charity events is the system for accepting payments. Most organizers just assume they’ll go around collecting cash or checks. However, if you really want to improve the success of your event, you should plan to use an iPad POS. Here are a few reasons why it will help:

Take More Forms of Payment

With an iPad POS, you don’t have to limit yourself to cash or checks. You can also accept donations from credit cards. You’ll finally have an answer to all those people who say, “I don’t have any cash on me!” or “I forgot the checkbook.” By being able to take more forms of payment, you’ll be able to increase the amount of donations you collect.

Take Donations on the Spot

Many people will promise to send in a donation after the event is over. They may intend to do just that, but then they may forget, or other things may come up. Other people may use that as an excuse and never have any intention of sending in their donation.

By using an iPad POS system, you can take donations right on the spot. You’ll increase your collection rate, and you’ll provide the friendly nudge to convince others to make a donation if they were on the fence. It’s a little hard to argue with a blinking cursor ready to take your payment details.

Collect Donor Information

An iPad POS system also gives you solutions for lead generation. In addition to collecting donations, you can collect donor information, such as their names and contact details. You can use this information to solicit future donations or to spread the word about future events. This lead generation can be worth more than the donation itself since it can lead to ongoing fundraising success.

Consider getting an iPad POS to use at your next charity event. You’ll increase the amount of donations you collect at the event, and you’ll be able to get the leads you need to make all your future fundraising efforts a success, as well. It’s a small investment that can have a big return for your charity.