Posted 12 years ago by test test

View, Browse, Order, Done. Behold: The Power of Smartphone Order Food Apps!3 min read

View, Browse, Order, Done. Behold: The Power of Smartphone Order Food Apps!Indeed, the world is getting smarter. As technology progresses, profoundness is creating a profundity of awesomeness found in the cavalcade of increasingly advanced and “smart” devices. The most popular method for finding things in a hurry these days – and conveniently at that – for the estimated 100-million smartphone users and growing in the US (ComScore: More than 100 million smartphone users now in U.S; 2012) is by using an app on their smartphone. If you can’t tap the app, you very well may be missing out on a whole ton of traffic that can easily sway the other direction, veering comfortably into your competitor’s arms.

So what could make your restaurant gain more edge during the smart day and age in which we live? Putting the power of order food apps directly in the hands of your hungry customers.

But just how often do smartphone users actually use these downloaded and installed mobile applications? According to recent studies that were released by ComScore for 2012, quite a bit.

Mobile Content Usage

In January, 74.6 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers used text messaging on their mobile device, up 2.8 percentage points. Downloaded applications were used by 48.6 percent of subscribers (up 4.8 percentage points), while browsers were used by 48.5 percent (up 4.5 percentage points). Accessing of social networking sites or blogs increased 3.4 percentage points to 35.7 percent of mobile subscribers. Game-playing was done by 31.8 percent of the mobile audience (up 2.6 percentage points), while 24.5 percent listened to music on their phones (up 3.3 percentage points).

Tapping Into the Untapped App Marketplace

Imagine being able to tap into a growing demographic of smartphone users that are literally hungry for your free app, and according to the aforementioned studies by ComScore, 48.6% likely to use it once it has been installed. Those are some sugary statistics that weigh heavily in favor of offering an order food app as opposed to not.

View, Browse, Order, Done. Behold

For the customer, it’s all about things be easier, more simplified, convenient, and: smarter.

View, Browse, Order, Done. Behold: The Power of Smartphone Order Food Apps!With order food apps in place by Open, customers are empowered to:

  • View your menu in seconds from their smartphone with vivid and tantalizing pictures of menu items.
  • Browse your offerings and decide what menu items they wish to add to their order replete with detailed descriptions, pairing suggestions, specials and custom cooking specifications.
  • Order with one button – and tender payment (with iPad POS in place) – and be done, within minutes of downloading and intalling your order food app.
  • Tell their friends and family about the unique way they just ordered food from your establishment.
  • Rate your order food apps on the app marketplace and help spur more downloads; which equates to more customers.
  • Share their experience via popular social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, and recommend your restaurant and dishes to their friends or followers.
  • Remember your restaurant thanks to beautifully designed menus and custom branded logos that drive your brand home.

Learn more about how you can tap into the estimated 100-million and growing smartphone user app marketplace to drive more traffic and food sales to your restaurant by offering signature, attractive, convenient and fun-to-use order food apps by Open – included in our All-in-One Digital Menu Software Solution.