Posted 10 years ago by test test

What an iPad POS Can Do for Your Bakery2 min read

Every tool, every piece of equipment, and every piece of software you choose for your bakery can have an impact on its success. That is especially true for your point-of-sale system, or POS system.

The iPad POS system has many benefits for bakeries, both large and small. Whether you are running a niche operation from a farmer’s market or you hope to distribute your goods around the country, here are a few ways that the iPad POS can benefit your bakery:

Increase Sales

The iPad POS system allows you to accept all kinds of payments, even if you don’t have a vendor account with the major credit card companies. Being able to accept more payment types will help to increase your sales, which will help ensure the success of your business. Being able to accept payments on an official POS system – and not just through your paypal account – will also give customers the confidence to pay, which can help increase sales, as well.

Lower Overhead

Many iPad POS systems also help you to manage your inventory, which can help you to reduce waste and lower your overhead. This is especially important in a bakery, where ordering too much of some ingredients can lead to spoiling and order too few of some ingredients can lead to lost sales.

The right iPad POS system can help you monitor sales and automatically order the appropriate inventory to keep the levels you need. You’ll lower your overhead and increase your profits, helping secure the success of your business.

Improve Marketing

Marketing is key to the success of your bakery, no matter how big or small it is. Many iPad POS systems include tools to help you improve your marketing efforts. For example, you may be able to capture e-mail addresses from customers to create a lead-generation campaign. You may be able to set up a customer loyalty program to encourage ongoing sales. You may even be able to produce discount codes and coupons that are specific to a customer’s interests, based on their buying history.

The iPad POS system is a powerful piece of technology that can make a big difference to your bakery. The technology costs far less than a traditional POS system, so it is also more accessible to smaller bakeries or those who are struggling to raise capital. Consider using an iPad POS system for your bakery and see the difference it can make.