Posted 10 years ago by test test

What Type of Support Should I Consider When Buying a POS?2 min read

With POS technology being what it is, having a significant volume of support seems like it would be a very important dimension of a consumer’s positive experience in switching over to a POS system or when upgrading their current POS system to do more. And while this is certainly true, the issue of support is not one that runs the same among all the different suppliers of POS systems currently on the market. So how is a smart POS system shopper to be assured that an ample measure of help and support will be available for just as long as it is needed?

Adequate Support Should be Paramount

It would seem like anyone who understands the value of backup support would categorize the varying levels of support that are in place from one company to the next. This would find the shopper ultimately choosing the POS system that brings a level of assurance that often can only come from third party assistance. Oddly, this is not typically a prominent consideration for many people who are looking to make a move to POS technology for their businesses. If you are going to invest so much money, time and effort into making such an important transition, you will need varying degrees of support, and at varying times of installation and use.

First Things First

The best thing to do would be to make the issue of support levels the very first question you ask a salesperson. Then, depending on the answer, you may end up saving yourself a good deal of time. Good support means that help is available to you, 24/7, with the option of remote storage to depend on, in the (very rare) case of something like system failure. There should be adequate training available to you and your staff, too.

Other Support Sources

And of course, there should be ample support available to users of any POS software through the company from which the software is obtained. Then, there are a variety of sites that exist via the Internet to provide support for users of POS systems. Many of these are offered for free, and serve more or less as support forums. There are support subscriptions available from several sources, however especially when you are buying a new POS system, you should never have the need to go outside of your provider for any measure of help and answers to your questions.