Posted 11 years ago by test test

Why iPad POS Inventory is the Affordable Alternative to Other Costlier POS Options3 min read

The digital revolution has procured some rather unique innovations that are directed at simplifying the complexities in life by easing our goals with a more profound and technical solution. In par with that mantra of ease-of-use and time reduction is also cost reduction; the same things we used to do that were tedious by nature, time consuming and costly are now being alleviated by newer digital solutions like an iPad POS inventory system (an iOS powered point of sale software solution) that empowers food service business owners to better manage and track their inventories and ease their daily reporting with simple one-button reporting features, charts and graphs that are generated in seconds, as opposed to the hours that used to be spent compiling them by hand.

How Easy-to-Use IPad POS Inventory Is

With newer iPad POS Inventory software solutions, long gone are the days where restaurant owners and managers would scratch their heads compiling baffling reports, hand writing inventory orders and hand checking the inventory that was on-hand. Rather, they now can simply print calculated inventory lists that can be easily submitted to the food service providers and that are based upon precise calculations of what items are needed, when they are needed and who they need to be ordered from, not to mention what those items will cost. Additionally, with an iPad POS inventory system, food service businesses can now know what they are selling the most of, what food is not selling, what they are making profits or losing money on, and what their overall numbers look like on a day-to-day, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

Affordability is the Main Factor at Play

As opposed to outdated point of sale systems and POS software, which can run a few thousand dollars per terminal and per software license, an IPad POS Inventory system is a more affordable, more viable and more cost effective solution. In fact, leading providers offer low monthly rates on the software, where you don’t have to purchase licenses and terminals that greatly eat into the overhead costs of operating a food service business. Furthermore, the iPad POS inventory software can be instantly synched to any iPad powered tablet—saving room by taking up less space and costing a fraction of the price that old POS terminals used to run.

Synching iPad POS Inventory with Digital Menus

Last but certainly not the least – newer iPad POS Inventory software not only offers a total digital POS solution, but it also features digital menus, too. Now restaurant owners can offer lavish and feature-loaded digital menus on thin and attractive Apple tablets for their guests. No more paper printing costs saves thousands per year, easily recouping the costs of the initial investment in the software and on the tablets. Guests can now tender payment at the table from the tablets, request table service, and even browse high resolution pictures of menu items and read wine pairing notes, submit food reviews, and much more. The iPad POS inventory system even informs guests if a particular bottle of wine or menu item is temporarily unavailable, increasing loyalty and retention rates. The average restaurant that adds digital menus realizes about a 15-30% increase in sales during the first 120 days—and an iPad POS Inventory system is more than 95% cheaper than traditional POS software.