Posted 12 years ago by test test

Why You Don’t Have to Pull Your Hair Out Over Inventory Any Longer – Open’s iPad POS Inventory is the Answer!3 min read

Why You Don’t Have to Pull Your Hair Out Over Inventory Any Longer – Open’s iPad POS Inventory is the Answer!Inventory of any restaurant is a critical part of its successful operation. Poorly managed and tracked inventories can not only cut into your profit margins in the form of out of stock items that you are unable to sell to your hungry patrons, but they can also play detriment to the customer experience overall. When a customer sees an entrée on the menu and places an order, only to have the server come back and inform them that it is out of stock, many people become frustrated.

Certainly, this has happened to any of you reading this on occasion. And suddenly, you are less satisfied with your overall experience because the restaurant could have better managed their inventory to ensure that the menu items you wanted to order were in stock. The easy, affordable solution is an iPad POS inventory by Open that tracks all items and places smart inventory alerts to reorder them whenever they are getting low, and that will even update all of the digital menus to note that certain menu items are unavailable until they have been replenished.

Count Your Inventory One Time

What if you only ever had to conduct one inventory count, and never fuss over it again, ever? With our iPad POS inventory, that’s exactly the freedom that you will enjoy. Make a tally of your inventory just one time. Then enter in the initial numbers, and from there on out it will take care of the rest to ensure that your key items are always in stock.

Auto-Pilot Equals Inventory Bliss

You might be wondering about what happens when you need to order new items to restock. Well we have that covered, too. Whenever you are getting low on items, you will be alerted via the iPad POS system. It can then generate order lists for all items that need to be resupplied. If you have online merchants, the system can be even set to auto-populate your online shopping cart, so you can review, click, pay, and then you are done.

Real-Time Tracking of All Inventory Items

Don’t worry about low items; they are tracked by the iPad POS inventory in real-time, as orders are placed. Every time a menu item is created, that item is deducted from your existing inventory. Now you can know what you have in stock at all times. You will also be apprised of the cost per item, and what profits you have made off it. How is that for being in the know at all times?

Updates Menus to Remove Out of Stock Items

If certain inventory items have run out and need to be reordered, your digital menus by Open will automatically update. This will ensure that guests are made aware that you are temporarily out of that item. The modicum of this moniker helps to retain customers, enhance their experience and increase loyalty. No more telling your customers, “Sorry, but we just checked with the kitchen, and this item is out of stock.”

With an iPad POS inventory by Open on your side, you can better focus your efforts on more adequately running, managing and expanding your restaurant, as opposed to wasting time with mismanaged inventories that can really become a serious migraine. Our industry leading All-in-One solution takes the hassles out of inventory for good. Learn more about our iPad POS with Smart Inventory.