Posted 10 years ago by test test

Why You Should Trade Your Cash Register for an iPad POS2 min read

When you are just starting out as a business owner, you are on a limited budget. You likely don’t have the capital to buy all the latest equipment or the most sophisticated technology.

One of the most expensive items you may need to buy is a point-of-sale system. When you are on a limited budget, you may have thought that your best option was a simple cash register – just enough to process payments and not much else. However, a plain cash register is very limiting for your business.

Here are just a few reasons why you should trade your cash register for an iPad POS:

More Affordable

Even a simple cash register can cost several thousand dollars. An iPad costs just a few hundred. The more units you need to buy, the more you will save. Trading out your old cash register can help you downsize your expenses while increasing the functionality you get. Plus, you’ll be able to get rid of that bulky unit and show your customers that you are a company that embraces the future.

More Mobility

When business is booming and you are trying to check out customers, they may have to push their way through crowds to get to you, or they may have to wait in long lines to pay. With an iPad POS, you can move about your business freely, checking out customers wherever they are.

The increased mobility not only means that you can improve service times (and, therefore, sales), but it also means that you can take your business on the road. You can make sales at trade shows, festivals and other community events. The more places you can meet your customers, the more opportunities you have to make sales.

More Features

With a plain cash register, you can do a very limited number of things: Punch in an order and process a payment. Some cash registers are no more than glorified adding machines. They let you only add up an order and open the drawer for cash. An iPad POS is a sophisticated piece of machinery that does far more than just process payments. It can monitor your inventory levels, collect customer information and even provide tools for creating marketing materials.

Stop being limited by the old POS system your business is using. Check out the iPad POS and find out how it can help you grow your business.