Posted 11 years ago by test test

With POS iPad Mobile Ordering the Sky is the Limit!2 min read

Everybody in the technological sectors always has their ear pressed to the ground in anticipation of the next big event, the next movement, the next revelation, or the next “big thing.” Serendipitous innovations are being devised, procured and honed on a nearly daily basis, and they truly do make things easier and more convenient. Such is indeed the moniker of technology, and it carves a pivotal landscape of convenience for those who wholeheartedly embrace it. In case you are wondering what monumental technological shifts await the food service and hospitality industries, easily at the front of the pack is the POS iPad mobile ordering system. Now, businesses can reduce their overhead costs, be more environmentally conscious, and take things to the next level with a more integrated, acute, easier to use and affordable POS solution.

Why POS iPad Mobile Ordering is Better Than the Rest

Smaller, more compact, sleeker, easier-to-use, more affordable and about 95% cheaper is the answer to this question. With POS iPad mobile ordering, a business no longer has to shell out thousands of dollars on outdated and space-consuming POS terminals and software; licenses that need to be updated for multiple-usage, for annual updates, and computer terminals that are nearly obsolete by the time they are released. The newer iPads are like mini-supercomputers, they have millions of apps, tons of practical usages and can be synched with an POS iPad mobile ordering software in a few minutes to offer a state-of-the-art digital solution for nearly any business imaginable; and one that fits into the palm of your hand – and into your budget – nonetheless.

Improving Operations While Lowering Overhead Costs

Want to improve your operations and staff efficiency? With inventory management and tracking, easy one-button reporting and secure batch processing, without any real training required (as everything on the POS iPad mobile ordering system literally does what it says; what you see is what you get (WYSYG))—you won’t have to spend frustrating hours training your staff to use this system. Factor this with the money you save off the costly POS terminals, and staff training costs, not to mention how much more time-efficient it makes the operation of you business, and POS iPad mobile ordering is a win-win! And as far as the aforementioned “sky is the limit” title above, you can easily merge your POS iPad mobile ordering with an iPad menu, and now offer payment at the table with receipts securely emailed to customers (like the Apple store features), boost sales, retention and loyalty, spread word-of-mouth via built-in social media plug-ins, and sell more of your high-value menu items while improving customer service. Perhaps it’s more appropriate to say that outer space is the limit with an POS iPad mobile ordering system!