Posted 12 years ago by test test

Would You Use a Reservation App for Booking a Table from Your Smartphone?2 min read

reservation appHow Many People Use Smartphone Apps? This is an interesting question that directly relates to our question: just how many people are even using smartphone apps in the US at the present? The answer, according to recent surveys that were conducted by Harris and 69% (of the estimated 72-million smartphone users) have downloaded an app to their smartphone. About 60% will only download an app if the app is free to use, according to American Express. More men (about three quarters) are likely to download an app, as opposed to an estimated 62% of women. However, women download three times as many games as men do on any given day (and who thought that video games were only for boys). It is estimated that only one out of five people will pay for an app.

Does offering a reservation app for your restaurant make sense?

In conclusion: by offering a free reservation app with a booking feature and even a digital menu app for viewing your restaurant menu on any smartphone, many users would be inclined to download and use it if you were offering the app for free. Additionally, men would use the app about 6% more frequently than women. Your appeal would be at least 60% of smartphone users that were interested in your restaurant. And men would be a bit more likely to download and use your app as opposed to women (but only by a small margin).

In summation: offering a reservation app for smartphone users is a candid way of directly appealing to their digital tastes and helping to fill more empty tables daily.

Want to learn more about how you could be featuring a desirable reservation app today with no programming or technical skills required whatsoever? With Open’s All-in-One solution, we include an array of desirable smartphone apps that you can offer that are custom branded with your logo. Learn more about a reservation app by Open, and tap into the app marketplace today.