Posted 12 years ago by test test

Restaurant Menu App – Don’t Have One Yet? How Are You Connecting With Your Consumers?

With a restaurant menu app, you can more effectively appeal to your customers in the 21st century digital format they crave by ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

iPad Menus with included iPad POS … You Don’t Say

Consider this: pictures are truly worth a million words. So imagine how your guests will feel when they can see pictures of ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Who Uses a Restaurant Menu App & How Can They Benefit You?

The newest technological trend that is sweeping restaurants the world afar is one that caters predominantly to the digital users of the ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

How a Restaurant Delivery App – Connects Food Service with Digital Technology

The world is truly evolving into this transonic and digital being that has ushered in a new era of technological cadres. Unsurprisingly, ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Pad Reservation System Streamlines Digital Reservations

There are newer ways to book a reservation to a restaurant by using an iPad reservation system. Now customers – as well ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

iPad POS Inventory Simplified, Digitized for You

Long gone are the days of outdated POS inventory methods. What just arrived are the new industry standards, which truly place the ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Provide Your Customers with True Freedom with a Self Order Display

Technology has literally grown leaps and bounds in the past few decades alone, surpassing that of even mankind’s greatest of expectations with ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

12’ March Sales of iPad Tablets Unveiled, Apple Rakes in $1.8 Billion in Three Days from Launch of iPad 3 – Plus Other Numbers that Show the Attractiveness of the iPad Menu

Just how popular could the iPad menu be for attracting more guests to your establishment by offering one? Well if the early ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Digitized Dining: Ten Ways That Digital Menus Aim to Reshape the Future of Hospitality

Think back to the pre-internet days, the day and age where technology was in its infant stages, and would later evolve at ...

Posted 13 years ago by test test

Five Fitting Applications of the Self Order Kiosk (iPad Kiosk)

When you first enter into a crowded café or a busy small food service business, and there is a line trailing out ...