Posted 12 years ago by test test

Comparing iPad POS to Outdated POS – There is NO Comparison

It’s a doer’s world where takers taker and givers get. We all know that business is unforgiving and that the cost of ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Smartphone Apps – How Many People Use Them? What Is Your Restaurant Missing Out On By Not Offering One?

It is time for some fun facts about smartphone apps. And the numbers surrounding these apps paint a very vivid picture regarding ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

The iPad 3’s New Retina Display Changes iPad Menus Forever

Technology is wonderful, indeed it truly is. We caught wind of a blog that was covering the differences between the displays of ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

21 Things to Demand from the Digital Menu Software Provider You Select

It’s a topsy-turvy world of technology in which we currently live. Seemingly, the minute that newer and profound technological breakthroughs are announced, ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Five Things You & Your Customers Will LOVE About Open’s Digital Menu Software

The digital menu software that has been created and designed by Open is intuitive to both the customer needs and those of ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Just How Convenient is a Restaurant Delivery App (Order Food App)?

If your restaurant offers delivery, takeout or online ordering, you could very well be missing out on a great deal of business ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Paper Menus Just Don’t Stack up to the Fabulous Features of the iPad Kiosk

Doesn’t it seem like the paper menu is hanging around for a really long time past its expiration date? Seriously… by comparison ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Top Ten Reasons Your Customers & Staff Will Love Having iPad POS

The business world is a merry-go-round. It can be topsy-turvy at times and is nearly always unpredictable. One notion that is tried ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

New Study Reveals Mobile Searches Powered by Urgency, Location – Restaurant Category to See Most Growth in Next 3-5 Years

A study was released today by to analytics companies -- xAd and Telmetrics – that purport some rather interesting statistics regarding mobile ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Open Digital Menus on Your Smart Phone?

  You don’t have to spend tons of money upgrading and outfitting your restaurant with tablets just to reap the massive rewards ...