Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Self Order iPad Kiosk Could Be Your Cost Effective Digital Menu Answer

There are some key features and amenities that a self order iPad kiosk with iPad POS can offer to your valued guests. ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

PRESS RELEASE: The Self Service iPad Kiosk Arrives in Europe, UAE – Open, Inc. Launches Signature iPad Point-of-Sale (iPad POS) Worldwide with International Expansion

Open, Inc. (, an NYC based software solutions provider for the hospitality industry – the software brainchild of digital menu visionary, CEO ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Affordable iPad POS Systems – The POS Solution That Costs a Fraction of the Price

There is this common misnomer that exists: a POS system should cost you a fortune for the terminal and for the software, ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Comparing iPad POS System to Conventional POS

Most businesses that process payments will want a POS system. For smaller businesses, like mom and pop shops, often a credit card ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Winning Reasons Why More Restaurants Can Benefit from an iPad POS System

Could your restaurant benefit from an iPad POS system? There are many factors to consider when thinking about upgrading your POS system ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Power of Facebook for Guests Recommending Via an iPad Menu

It’s no mystery: Facebook is a juggernaut. Mark Zuckerberg is easily the go-to guy when it comes to building winning social network ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Top Five Reasons why iPad POS Could be the Answer

Could iPad POS really be the money-saving, profit-generating answer that you’ve been seeking for your restaurant? Is your old POS system a ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

The iPad Reservation System – How it Can Make Filling Tables Effortless

An automated reservation system can be a dream come through when it comes to the logistics involved with the successful operation of ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

The Tablet Revolution Churns Nicely in Favor of the Digital Menu

Forever and a day we have been saying that it is a “Digital Menu Revolution.” In lieu of the tablet revolution, that ...

Posted 12 years ago by test test

Four Reasons Why Your Customers Will Love iPad POS

The iPad POS all-in-one digital menu solution doesn’t just supercharge your restaurant’s ability to generate profits; it greatly enhances the experience for ...